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La Glendale Treatment Plant: Enhancing Water Quality and Sustainability
About our plant
The Los Angeles-Glendale Water Reclamation Plant is strategically located to serve east San Fernando Valley communities that are both within and outside of the Los Angeles City limits. The plant’s highly treated wastewater meets or exceeds the water quality standards for reclaimed water for irrigation and industrial processes. This water reuse conserves over one billion gallons of potable water per year. The plant is highly automated and staff can control processes from the onsite control room or at remote locations.
Los Angeles-Glendale Reclamation Plant MAP
How it works
This exceptional quality water will soon be used as a potable water replacement in Harbor area industrial applications and as a barrier against seawater intrusion. The plant also produces biosolids and biogas for beneficial reuse.
At a glance:
Location | 445 Ferry Street, Los Angeles |
Serves | Terminal Island, Wilmington, San Pedro, and a portion of Harbor City |
Started operating | 1935 |
Plant manager | Douglas Bohlmann |
Number of employees | 71 |
Annual budget | $9.6 million (FY 08/09) |
Treatment processes | Tertiary treatment and microfiltration-reverse osmosis, biosolids handling, biogas generation |
Reuse data | 50 wet tons of bioslids trucked per day to Green Acres Farm in Kern County, 239,000 cubic feet per day of biogas – used to produce steam for the digesters |
Contact us: | (310) 548-7520 |
In 1976, the Los Angeles-Glendale Water Reclamation Plant started operations as the first water reclamation plant in the city. The cities of Los Angeles and Glendale co-own the plant, and the the City of Los Angeles’ LA Sanitation operates and maintains it.
Each city pays 50% of the costs and receives an equal share of the recycled water. The plant processes around 20 million gallons of wastewater per day.
In addition to its role as a leading producer of reclaimed water, the Los Angeles-Glendale Water Reclamation Plant is another regionally strategic facility within the City’s overall wastewater system.
By processing flows in the eastern San Fernando Valley, the plant is able to provide critical hydraulic relief to the City’s major sewers downstream, which badly need the additional capacity to serve other portions of the City south of the Valley.