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Review Guidelines

How We Review Products

✔️ Examine Certifications and Approval

Courses are subject to various regulations to ensure they are safe and effective. We look into approval ratings from ALL the following institutions:

  • EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
  • AHAM (Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers)
  • CARB (California Air Resources Board)
  • Other relevant regulatory bodies

✔️ Extensively Scour Through User Reviews

We value real user experiences. Therefore, we extensively review both positive and negative feedback about all products we recommend online. We often reach out to customers to understand their experiences, reflecting them in our content.

✔️ Study the Product Line & Brand History

The historical performance and reliability of a brand are crucial. We investigate various aspects, including recall history, FDA warnings, place of manufacture, and any recent changes in ownership or manufacturing processes.

✔️ Scrutinize Technical Data & Seek Expert Approval

Our team of qualified experts reviews the technical information and test results from independent labs to ensure the products meet the highest standards of performance, safety, and efficiency.

✔️ Analyze the Brand’s Marketing Claims

We assess and validate the claims made by brands to ensure you are not misled by exaggerated marketing rhetoric. Our aim is to provide you with accurate and honest information.

✔️ Understand the Product’s Pricing & Positioning Strategy

We consider options for every budget, including budget, value, and premium options, while also covering special features and technologies to cater to various needs.

✔️ Review Delivery Options

We consider options for every budget, including budget, value, and premium options, while also covering special features and technologies to cater to various needs.

✔️ Take Your Feedback into Consideration

We value your feedback. Every piece of content on our site allows you to share your insights, and we regularly update our articles based on your feedback.

We don’t:

🚫 Accept Sponsorship Fees

We prioritize your health and well-being over financial gains. Our recommendations are unbiased, and we do not accept payment for higher placements on our pages.

🚫 Post Anything Without Thorough Research

Every article and recommendation undergoes a rigorous evaluation process. If it’s on our site, it has passed through stringent scrutiny.

🚫 Go Against Expert & Regulatory Agencies’ Advice

We adhere to the recommendations and guidelines provided by health organizations and professionals. Our recommendations align with the insights and advice of industry experts.


We are committed to offering accurate, reliable, and unbiased recommendations to help you select the best products for a healthier, cleaner, and more comfortable living environment. Your trust and well-being are our top priorities.